6 things to do when you – a horse owner are having a bad day

1. Look after yourself

As we all know, it is too easy these days to sit in front of the TV, laptop or mobile in our oodie and eat chocolate, crisps or drink alcohol to excess to try and make us feel better. Once the sugar rush and dopamine hit has subsided we normally end up feeling worse. It may take a little bit of time to start a new routine, but try to look after your health (including what you are putting in your body) and of course your wellbeing in both physical and metal health.

2. Think about your energy

Keeping track of your energy levels is really key to picking yourself up when you are having a bad day or week. Work out what is energising you and what is draining your energy levels. Once you work out these points, you can change the habits that are causing your energy levels to drop, which \ lead us to getting agitated frustrated, low in energy, all of which can lead us to feeling like we are having a bad day. Don’t forget to also review and start doing more of the things that give you more energy! Aim for a good balance!

3. Regular breaks

In modern times we are always on the go, there is always something that we should be doing, somewhere we should be going, so many of us live in a constant sense of stress. BUT we must remember to look after ourselves during our day, dedicate some YOU time, take that break during your working day or a bit of YOU TIME at the weekend. When you take care of yourself throughout the week, you should start to notice a change in your daily stress levels. Don’t forget this has to be proper downtime, choose something that you enjoy and can get lost in – improve your wellness and look after yourself.

4. Rely on your habits, try not to reply on motivation

We all have said ‘o not today’ feeling when lacking the motivation to get something done. Even when you have motivation you may notice that it doesn’t last long, it slowly fades away. What you need to do is start building the good habits that can help you in the long run, when we do things routinely they can become a habit – and these habits can help you get through your bad day when motivation is low.

5. Fuel your mind

Think about what you currently do to ‘fuel you mind’. What steps do you take to learn something new or gain a deeper understanding of something during the day? Why not try a podcast, audiobook, educational videos or reading a book – choose a topic that really interests you and it can help you to grow in a variety of ways. Remember that everything around you has an impact on your life and feelings – surround yourself with positivity and things that can help you grow…choose carefully.

6. Write down your thoughts

Sometimes we have so much going on in our heads that it can be really difficult to see a path forward. One technique I use is writing my thoughts down or journalling – which helps to put things in order and declutter your mind. When things are written down you can visualise, sort and prioritise – it can reduce stress and give you a sense of achievement.

I hope the above can help you when you are having a bad day, week or month. Take some time for you, look after yourself and remember you are not alone! Feel free you leave your comments below.

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